Adolescent & Teen

Pediatrics Care for All Ages

By adolescent and teen years, your child is in his or her critical stages of mental and physical development. At this age, your child usually requires fewer doctor visits and less medical attention than newborns and toddlers. 

Adolescent and teen medical needs may include:

  • Physically
  • Emotionally
  • Socially
  • Cognitively

Dr. Akey is a telemedicine doctor who can provide all these services for your young adult. At this stage in a child’s life, it may be difficult to keep teens on track. It is our goal to keep your teens on track developmentally, scholastically, socially and morally.

To find out how you can create a healthy environment for your child’s cognitive development, call our pediatrics office at 770-683-3020

Kenneth Akey, M.D., F.A.A.P.

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