Hello Mamas,
Water is considered the liquid of life. It shapes our planet and is essential for all life on Earth. Humans are made up of up to 70% water depending on age and gender. It is a vital nutrient to every cell in our bodies and acts as the first building material. Water acts as a shock absorber for your brain, spinal cord, and if pregnant, encapsulates the fetus. It helps: regulate body temperature, lubricates your joints, cushions your bones, balances your body’s chemicals, makes saliva, delivers oxygen though your body, aids in digestion, and gets rid of waste.
It is important to drink enough water regularly but it is crucial to have enough when you are pregnant, breastfeeding, thirsty, or are in the heat. While pregnant women should have eight to twelve 8-ounces glasses of water a day. During pregnancy your body needs water to create and maintain amniotic fluid as well as the normal body maintenance. While breastfeeding water is used to produce breast milk. If you are not getting enough water it can lead to a disruption in milk production and affect your baby’s feedings. When you are thirsty this is your bodies way of telling you that it has a shortage in water. If you are thirsty make sure you quench your thirst, then drink 2 more glasses of water. Lastly if you are in the heat or sun you need to be drinking water regularly to prevent dehydration. Water will help your body regulate its temperature and will help replenish your bodies hydration while sweating.
It is imperative to teach your children to acquire a taste for water, as it is essential to good nutrition! We need to continually replenish our fluids. Some concealed sources of water include soups and stews, fruits and vegetables, and nut milks or fruit juices. Make sure you have water readily available for your kids throughout the day. Putting it in their favorite cup, adding some fruit, or having a special pitcher in the fridge for them to get more water are great ways to help them be more excited about drinking water.
Signs of dehydration in children and infants include: sunken eyes, dry tongue and lips, sunken soft spot on infants head, less than six wet diaper per day for infants, no wet diaper or urination for eight hours for toddlers and older children, deep rapid breathing, no tears when crying, cool blotchy hands and feet, and/or dry wrinkled skin.
Signs of dehydration in adults are: constipation, muscle cramps, dark-colored urine, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, heat intolerance or chills, tiredness, swollen feet, high heart rate but low blood pressure, flushed red skin, dry mouth and/or a dry cough.
It is imperative to filter your water. We have so many pollutants in our water. My preference is the Berkey water filter. I personally will not drink tap water or from public fountains.
-Dr. Kenneth Akey